
Naran Kaghan

Naran:                Naran  (Urdu:   ناران   ‎) is a medium-sized town in upper   Kaghan Valley   in     Mansehra District of   Khyber Pakhtunkhawa  province of  Pakistan . It is located 119 kilometers (74 mi) from   Mansehra City   at the altitude of 2,409 meters (7,904 ft).It is located 70 kilometers (43 mi) from   Babusar Top. \ Weather:                  Naran has a    humid continental climate There is significant rainfall in summers and heavy snowfall in winters.  However the trend is changing due to climate change within the region, and for the past few years, Naran is receiving lesser snowfall. Naran is a famous summer destination for people who come here from within Pakistan and abroad to enjoy the weather. The temperature, though, is rising. A few years back, Naran was only accessible in June, but for a few years, accessibility is improving, and the roads are driveable even in early spring. Naran remains busy in summer, starting earlier, and tourism is extending up

Ponds-Natural Beauty

Ponds-Natural Beauty:                                         A   pond   is an area filled with water, either it is natural or artificial, that is usually smaller than the  Lake .  sometimes  It may arise naturally in floodplains as a part of a river system, or be as a somewhat isolated depression (such as a   kettle  or    prairie pothole ). It may contain shallow water with marsh ,bacteria and aquatic plants and animals.            Factors impacting the type of lifes found in a pond include depth and duration of water level, nutrient level, shade, presence or absence of inlets and outlets, effects of grazing animals, and salinity.            Most Ponds are frequently man-made, or expanded beyond their original depth and bounds. Among their many uses of ponds , they provide water for agriculture and livestock, aid in habitat restoration, serve as fish hatcheries, are components of landscape architecture, may store thermal energy as solar ponds and treat  wastewater as treatme


Rain:           Rain  is liquid water  in the form of small droplets  that have condensed  from   atmospheric water vapor   and then they  become heavy enough to fall under gravity towards Earth . Rain is a major component of the   water cycle  and is responsible for depositing most of the   fresh water   on the Earth. It provides suitable conditions for many types of   ecosystem , as well as provides water for   hydroelectric power plants  and crop  irrigation. Verse of Quran: "Such as remember Allah, standing, sitting, and reclining, and consider the creation of the heavens and the earth, (and say): Our Lord! Thou createst not this in vain. Glory be to Thee! Preserve us from the doom of Fire." -Al-Qur'an  3:191 Rain is indeed one of the most important factors for life on the earth. Rain is a prerequisite for the permanence of life in a region. Rain, which carries great importance for all living things including human beings, is mentioned in various ver

Sahara Desert

Sahara Desert:                           The   Sahara   (  Arabic :   الصحراء الكبرى ‎,   aṣ-ṣaḥrāʼ al-kubrá , 'the Great Desert') is a desert located on the    African continent . It is the largest    hot desert  in the world, and the third largest   desert  overall after    Antarctica  and the    Arctic.  Its area of 9,200,000 square kilometres (3,600,000 sq mi) is comparable to the area of    China  or the    United States .   The name 'Sahara' is derived from a dialectal Arabic word for "desert",   ṣaḥra   ( صحرا / ).            The desert comprises much of  North Africe, excluding the fertile region on the  Mediterranean Sea  coast, the Atlas Mountains of the  Maghreb, and the    Nile Valley in  Egypt and Sudan. It stretches from the  Red Sea in the east and the Mediterranean in the north to the  Atlantic Ocean in the west, where the landscape gradually changes from desert to coastal plains. To the south, it is bounded by the  l  Sahel, a belt of  sa

Changa Manga Forest

Changa Manga Forest :                                          The   Changa Manga   (Urdu,Punjabi ):  چھانگا مانگا ) is a planted forest which includes a    wildlife preserver , it is situated in the    Kasur   and in   Lahore districts  of the  Punjab ,  Pakistan . It is located approximately 80 kilometers in south-west of  Lahore . It is one of the largest man-made forest in the world but has undergone illegal   deforestation   for its fine wood   at a massive scale in recent times.             Changa Manga is very famous an known as "one of the oldest hand-planted forests in the world", and hosts a wide variety of Flora and Fauna. The forest is known as the home of  14 species of mammals , 50 species of birds, six species of reptiles, two species of amphibians and 27 species of insects.   Thus, other than producing timber for the local industry, the forest also serves  an important role for wildlife reserve.              It was named after two  Brother Dacotis, the

Ear And its Parts

 Ear :          Hearing is as important as vision. Our ear helps us in hearing and also to maintain the balance or equilibrium of our body.  Main parts:             Ear has three main parts i.e. external ear, middle ear, and internal ear. A- External Ear:                                                 External ear consists of pinna, auditory canal and ear drum (tympanum). Pinna is the broad external part, made of cartilage and covered with skin. It helps to direct sound waves into auditory canal. There are special glands in the walls of auditory canal , which produce wax. The wax and the hairs in auditory canal protect ear from small insects, germs and dust. In additions to this, they help to maintain the temperature and dampness of auditory canal. Auditory canal ends in ear drum . This thin membrane separates external ear from middle ear. B- Middle Ear:                                           Middle ear is a chamber after external ear. Three small bones, calle

Poem - Loveliest of Trees the Cherry Now

Poem:             Loveliest of Trees the Cherry Now                       Loveliest of trees, the cherry now                         Is hung with bloom along the bough                         And stands about the woodland ride                         Wearing white for Easter tide.                         Now, of my three score years and ten                         Twenty will not come again,                         And take from seventy Springs a score,                         It only leaves me fifty more.                         And since a look at things in bloom                          Fifty springs are little room,                         About the woodland i will go                         To see the cherry hung with snow.                                                                                                               ( A.E.Housman ) Theme:               Cherry looks beautiful, especially in Spring. But life is too short to