Poem - Loveliest of Trees the Cherry Now


           Loveliest of Trees the Cherry Now

                     Loveliest of trees, the cherry now
                        Is hung with bloom along the bough
                        And stands about the woodland ride
                        Wearing white for Easter tide.

                        Now, of my three score years and ten
                        Twenty will not come again,
                        And take from seventy Springs a score,
                        It only leaves me fifty more.

                        And since a look at things in bloom 
                        Fifty springs are little room,
                        About the woodland i will go
                        To see the cherry hung with snow. 
                                                                                 ( A.E.Housman )

Image result for ice on cherry


              Cherry looks beautiful, especially in Spring. But life is too short to relish it. The poet says the fifty years of age is not what would be sufficient to enjoy the beauty of nature. The poet says that one should avail every opportunity to see the captivating beauty of Cherry tree standing in the woods.


            These lines have been taken from the poem 'Loveliest of trees the cherry now' written by A. E. Houseman.


             This poem is about the cherry tree which is standing in a woodland. The tree is looking magnificent all covered up with snow. It looks as if it is wearing easter dress. The life is too short to see the beauty of nature. The poet wishes to see the beauty of the cherry tree every time he gets the chance during the rest of his life.


                     This is a beautiful poem by A.E Houseman. The poet is known for his love for nature and romantic poetry. The poem, loveliest of trees the Cherry now, is also one of his poems written about nature and natural objects. In this poem, the poet describes the beauty of the cherry tree which is standing in the woods. The poet calls are the loveliest of all trees. Its branches are heavy with bloom and are bending down the ground. It stands along the road in the forest. It is all covered with snow. The poet says the cherry is wearing the Easter dress.

The poet says he has just seventy years old. His early twenty years of age which he has spent will not come back. The rest of fifty years, he claims to have dedicated to seeing the beauty of the cherry tree. He says the fifty years is very less time to fully enjoy the glory of Cherry. The poet will avail himself of every chance he gets to visit woods to see the enchanting beauty of the cherry tree. He will see the cherry hanging with snow whenever he gets a chance.


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